About us

We are manufacturers of industrial and garage doors of the highest quality
Above all, we are a team of people who do their job responsibly. We want to be an honest and reliable partner. We have manufactured tens of thousands of doors in the course of our existence. We will help you choose the best technical solution for your project. We know what we are doing and we are willing to share our experience.
People orientation is key for us. What sets us apart is our service and approach to our customers.
Custom production with a high level of automation.
We provide pan-European distribution of doors directly to the construction site.
We are members of the European Door and Shutter Federation, a large family of renowned door manufacturers.

Our people
At TOORS, we have a working environment that we create and maintain ourselves.
When it comes to communication, we call each other by our first names. We are able to have substantive and open discussions. We don’t take things personally and distinguish between work and personal.
Regarding the dress code, in workplaces where employees are not required to wear protective clothing, we are not strict about uniforms, but we do follow a dress code, especially when visiting business partners.
Custom production with automation system
Custom manufacturing with a high level of automation is a specific type of production process that combines individual orders with an advanced automated system. This form of manufacturing focuses on personalized or unique products, while using modern technology and machinery to achieve efficiency and speed in the manufacturing process itself.

We have been supplying doors within Europe for 23 years
Explore our regional representatives
and make direct contact at the
click of a button.
Our corporate philosophy
Flexibility, work-life balance is a priority.
Humans are not machines. We value our colleagues, their time and family life. We are flexible, we don’t impose how long, where and what to work on. The important thing is to “deliver” the result.
Making decisions together takes us further.
More heads know more. That’s what we do. Involving colleagues from different backgrounds will bring new ideas and move our projects forward.
The only thing we don’t know about each other is where they belong in the office.
It is not only through work that man lives. We participate in teambuilding events and play sports together. We like to learn and educate.
We’re looking for the right people for the bus.
Long-term goals cannot be achieved with high turnover in the team. That’s why we try to take the right partners on a long bus journey, who will make the time spent on the road more enjoyable, not boring and sometimes find the right shortcut to the destination.
We choose our teammates primarily on the basis of human values.
It doesn’t mean that we only pick the good-looking ones. Of course, they have to know something. Instead of an expert with whom we can’t find common ground, we’d rather choose a graduate with no experience who brings an innovative approach and a good mood.
More than 23 years of experience in the market could speak for us.
In over 23 years of existence, we have supplied doors for hundreds of projects. We are happy to share our experience and help you choose the right solution for each situation. Although we are a fast growing company, our core values and company culture remain the same.
Transparency in information sharing across the company.
There is no reason to hide or restrict access to information for anyone on the team – we are all pulling together!
We support
and help
As part of its responsible approach to its surroundings and in an effort to support the development of the region in which it operates its business, TOORS includes in its employee benefits program the program “TOORS and its EMPLOYEES SUPPORT and HELP.”

Chlumec Cup
Toors supports young athletes! This year we were happy to make a sponsorship donation and become part of the Chlumec Cup 2024 in the youth firefighting competitions. Congratulations to all the participants for their great performances and thank you for their efforts and enthusiasm shown during the competition.

TOORS Helps – Firefighting races SDH Čtveřín
The TOORS production company proudly supported the purchase of functional T-shirts for the firefighting races of SDH Čtveřín. These generous sponsorship gestures not only provide excellent comfort and performance for participants, but also promote team unity and safety during competitions. TOORS is proud to be a part of this exciting firefighting event and to contribute to the success of SDH Čtverín.

St. Nicholas for children
Every year, our colleagues dress up as Santa Claus, the devil and an angel, fill a company van with gifts and head to selected schools and nurseries in the area. The event then goes on for the children of our employees in the theatre and ends with a screening of the fairy tale.

We donated doors to the needy
Together with our business partner, we donated TOORS doors to the Institute of Christ the Great in Slovakia. The institute is run by Mr. Marian Kuffa, who takes people going through a difficult time in their lives under his wing. Several documentaries and countless videos have been made with Mr. Kuffa.

Supporting Sofinka in her difficult struggle
Sofinka was born in December 2017 with an exceptional genetic disease SMA1. In addition to the love and care she receives from her parents and close family, she needs a lot of money to pay for the difficult treatment and medical equipment. Sofinka is the niece of our long-time colleague Simona. Together with our colleagues in the voluntary event “work 1 hour for Sofinka” and a direct donation from TOORS, we sent a beautiful 50.000 CZK to help Sofinka.